Cultural: News, Travel & Trendsetters

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Cultural News around the world - At your fingertips

Festival bumba-mei-boi

Bumba-meu-boi - Brazil If you happen to find yourself in São Luis at the end of June, you’ll land in the culmination of the month-long peasant folklore festival bumba-mei-boi. It began on the 1st with the baptizing of the bull, the…

Cultural Scenes around the world - Experiences

Hotel Designers - The Art of Escape

Robin Baron

  New York designer Robin Baron doesn’t maintain any libraries. Not for fabrics, colors, plans—nothing. “It makes both me and my staff lazy,” Baron says. A successful designer designs for the client, and no two are alike. “If I could tell a…

Interview with Jon Jerde

The award-winning architect of the Bellagio and Horton Plaza examines inspiration, sustainable design, and the future of architecture. Art and Living: What are your favorite architectural styles? Jon Jerde: We’ve come to the end of…


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Entertainment Artists

Cannes Fest Names 20 Films

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